

You can do it just right too!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


While scrambling to feed the family, we forget that our family isn't the only hungry bunch on the you ever wonder about those who defend our freedom?
The military troops must be fed as well. Usually, when we hear the word "troops" we picture fighting, and explosions...but how do they fuel themselves with the strength that they need to withstand war? Who does that? what do they eat? How does the food get to them?

I will have stories about today's Military Mess Halls-but while searching,I stumbled upon Bob Hersey's K Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment site. He answered most of my questions about military dining experiences.

He is also featured here:

Bob Hersey's stories put me right in the mess hall with him and his connoisseurs, even though it was years and years ago-during the Vietnam War. Bob's cooking experiences, (from the time he was 12 years old!), warmed my heart, made me laugh, and brought tears to my eyes. To my delight, I found a useful recipe! Large quantities, yes. But it won't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to down-size the portion.
The longer it cooks, the better it is:

My Not So Famous "S-O-S"
"Shucks-On-A-Shingle" - you translate. Every GI since Hannibal crossed the Alps has eaten or at least encountered SOS. It is best described as a plate of mouse droppings in wallpaper paste served over burnt toast. It's actually quite good (but remember I lost my taste buds in the war).

Start with 10 pounds of ground beef (hamburger). The fatty kind is best. Brown the beef in a large saucepan with salt, pepper, finely chopped onions and a splash or two of Worcestershire sauce. This next ingredient isn't in any of the Army's cookbooks but I always added a generous portion of cooking sherry. If I didn't have sherry I would add cognac. Once browned, add a cup of water, a cup of whole milk and bring to a boil. Slowly stir in 1/2 cup of bread flour. This thickens the mixture. Lower the heat and cook slowly for about 5 minutes. If the sauce is too thick add more milk. If it's too thin add more flour. Hint: It's best if the final product is a little on the "thin" side because as it sits in your mermite can, it will thicken up. Serve over toast or better yet, hot biscuits. Any leftovers may be used as brick mortar by the engineers.

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Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often, and make a MESS of EVERYTHING! Stir it up!


Mess hall dining dates back to the beginning of time- when everyone gathered around a fire to eat the latest kill.